Somebody Please Stop Kim Kardashian From Naming Her Dog After Her Cat

So Kim Kardashian got another puppy, and she's charming as hellfire, and I truly wish that was the finish of this post. In any case, it isn't on the grounds that folks, WE HAVE A PROBLEM

Presently, you may be believing that Mercy is an impeccably satisfactory name for a pet — and you'd be correct! IN FACT, THAT'S THE NAME KIM GAVE HER CAT JUST FIVE YEARS AGO.


Mercy the Cat was really a blessing from Kanye in 2012. Lamentably, she passed on from an infection when she was quite youthful. Be that as it may, she was everywhere on Kim's Instagram for briefly.

Une publication partagée par Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) le

VIA:( buzzfeed

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