3 Reasons About Why Do Cats Like To Tuck In Your Bed?

Today i will share with 3 reasons why  cats lik to tuck i n your bed , you must know that cat spend most time on sleeping . Everday they pass about 16-20 hours of fragmented sleep and  they can sleep any where and any time .Also ,as owenrs , you may be visited by your kitty when you're on your bed pretty .
So why's that?

#1 They want to feel the warmth.

You may be know ; cats are attracted to warmth : they sit on your laptop,they stretch undre the sun , they lie flat on their back by the firepalce etc .and you must to know , are one of the warm objects too

#2 Cats need to feel safe to sleep.

When they are vulnerable ,they come to you because they want or to feel protected. Be proud ,your cat is trusting on you !!

#3 They just love you.

Your kitty grows with you ,and they love you , Although cats are not the best at showing emotions and they express thier love by giving you smooches , pawing at your face, licking you ,accomping you and lying on the same bed with you in another way to express their love .

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