13 Techniques Can Help You -How do I gain a cat's trust?

Do you speak of the mother cat? If this is the case, it is normal for a mother cat to be nervous because it protects her kitten. If you talk about the new kitten, only time will reveal confidence in the animal. Believe it or not, all animals have their own little personalities similar to the way humans do it. These personalities are coupled with their natural instincts, again, similar to the way humans are born with instincts too.

Some things are speculated as nature versus the acquired. You have the ability to feed this animal to get people to trust their personality. Some aspects of the personality are learned through education and some are part of the instinct.

Instinct: For example, your human instinct will tell you not to eat poison berry because it smells like food or spoiled for the same reason. When you feel a spoiled food, you immediately know if it is good enough to consume or not. These are human instincts.

Personality: For example, your human personality will make you feel attracted to certain types of music that you like to hear. It's part of your natural (and learned) personality.

Kittens and cats will eventually believe that you are the mother, regardless of age or gender. Some techniques can be used to facilitate this process.


1-Never break the animal's trust.

 If you offer him a treat by shaking the candy bag, always treat him to a treat. Never use the treat bag to call the cat, then store it, always what you promise.

2-Allow the animal time to print. 

Let him get near you, let him sniff you without you offering it. When he approaches you, gently stretch your hand so that it gives off a good smell of your perfume. Look in his eyes. He will be able to naturally feel your emotions and your intentions.

3-Avoid loud or surprising noises around Kitty.

 Being in your presence will set an expectation in the animal's mind. So, if you sit next to you and suddenly hear a sudden noise or vibration, you think there are strong and frightening things going on around that person. Instead, let her experience calm, safe and easy experiences in your presence.

4-Liberal use of treats.

If the cat is nervous, place the candy on the end of a stick and let the cat take the treat without having to get too early. Or, put the treat in front of a kitty a foot or two away and then step back, letting the cat come slowly to you to receive the treat. It teaches that good things happen in your presence: sometimes they get a treat.

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5-Let the kittens know that you are feeding them. 

Show Kitty the food and water or milk. Use your hands to place the food in the Kitty dish. He will see that you are like his mother and will start making the connection.

6-Never force him

When you reach out to tap the cat, he can move back. Never force him. Slowly stretch your hand, allowing it to sniff and then slowly start to touch it gently. Let him move his head and body to the places he wants to scratch or scrub. You simply move your finger. Kitty will realize that you are good for tapping, and will see that you are not going to surprise him by catching him.

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7-Be gentle

When Kitty jumps on your lap, be gentle, calm and calm. Use the technique at number 6 often. Never push him away. Instead, use the brushing technique. The mother cats move their kittens through the skin of the neck. Gently pick up Kitty this way and move it where you want it to go. He will recognize this as something his mother does.

8-Never, never spanked Kitty. 

Instead, when Kitty does something wrong, use the scruff technique and show him what he did. If he pee outside the sandbox, you gently pick Kitty through the skin, show him the urine, then gently place it in the sandbox and let him scratch himself. This will help him see where he needs to go to the bathroom. It's the same if he starts to sharpen on the couch or climb on your curtains. Slowly release Kitty, remove it and place it on the floor in front of its scratching post. You can even place a paw on the post to show him how to use it.

9-NEVER use citrus fruits

Especially orange scents around cats, as they hate them and become frightened and even nauseating, causing vomiting. I learned this from a veterinarian. Catnip fragrances agree, you can even give Kitty some fresh freshness from a catnip plant to help her.

10-Nervous cats

If you have nervous cats, you can buy special aromatherapy for Kitty. They can be expensive, but it has worked wonders for people I know, including stopping inappropriate incidents of pee and poo.

11-To keep the kitten on the couch or a nice piece of furniture

Just clean the furniture with cleaning products containing orange or citrus. Tamer also sells a scented orange spray, but remember, stay on the Kitty couch, but also from you when you are near him.

12-Give Kitty a box

Give Kitty a box and a ball made of base foil and a piece of long rope. Cats do not prefer toys bought in the store, they prefer boxes and things they can find inside and feel safe. Place shoe boxes on the floor, or a laundry basket or cardboard box. Cats like to wash their warm clothes in a basket and buy a cat bed and like to be inside the boxes.

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13-Keep kitty near you 

Keep the treats near you. When Kitty approaches, give her some fun. It helps him again, he realizes that beautiful things happen when he crawls on you.

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